Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week 2 blocks

Here is an example of last weeks block in two different colour ways. look at the two carefully and decide which part of each block is more dominant.
These blocks were made by Romi, her colours are very vibrant and it will be interseting to see the end result.


This weeks block is made from 4 smaller blocks.
here you can see the four smaller blocks in their final stages before they are stitched together.
Again consider colour placement. This quilt is all about manipulating the colours to change the look of the block.
Make another block the same but try reversing the colours, for example here you could use the light for the background and the lifght for the stars. You will be amazed at the results.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 2

As you can see here, this is the same block made in two different colourways.
It is very interesting to see how the light and dark placement can change the whole look.
Play around with scraps of fabrics to see how you can change the block.
This week you need to make two blocks of the same pattern, so why dont you challange yourself to make them completley different.
Have fun and why dont some of you send me some pitures.
Have a great week.
Hi, I hope you all like the colour instructions. This week is quite straightforward, but it is very important to get the colours right within the block, where you place the lights and darks can play a very important part in the finished look .

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good morning everyone, I recieved this picture from Karen, who completed her centre in record time. It looks great Karen. I love the choice of colours. It will be very striking when it is all together.

Please send me pictures of your progress and i will put the pictures up here for others to see.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Weeek 1

This is the centre of the quilt, it is made up from 4 smaller blocks. Choose the colours carefully , make sure you keep the background light. Play around with the fabrics until you like the combination. this week is easy, but please take care to get your seam allowances correct. each block should measure 12 1/2 inches before you sew them together.    Pictured here to the left is a single block.